chronic fatigue symptoms

9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms You Can Identify Yourself

Do you think you have iron deficiency symptoms? Learn to identify the symptoms, and what to do about it if you are deficient in this vital element. Iron Deficiency Symptoms Iron is needed for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to deliver it … Read More

5 Reasons You May Have Leaky Gut Syndrome

The lining of your gut is directly related to the health of your whole body. This lining forms a crucial barrier between you and the outside world. In a sense, everything inside your gut is outside of you. Only a few very specific substances are normally allowed through, and the … Read More

Iron Deficiency Could Be A Cause of Fatigue

Even if you don't have anemia, you could have an iron deficiency that's sapping your energy. It's entirely possible, especially if you're a woman of reproductive age, to have borderline anemia without becoming fully anemic. When you're iron deficient but not anemic, you can still suffer from lower vitality, decreased immune … Read More

Iron Deficiency Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

In Part 1 of this article you learned about a study showing how chronic fatigue can be successfully treated with iron supplements in women who have iron deficiency but don’t have full blown anemia.[1] (Find 9 Iron Deficiency Symptoms here.) The French and Swiss researchers found that iron supplementation for 12 … Read More

Qigong Found to Significantly Reduce Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Can an ancient healing therapy used thousands of years ago be effective in today’s fast pace world for reducing chronic fatigue symptoms? It can in fact—according to a recent study presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Additional validation of its effectiveness is that it is … Read More

Sore Throat Causes and Treatment

Sore throats often begin with a slight tickling sensation that progresses to a painful irritation, which ultimately makes swallowing and talking difficult. But what are the most common sore throat causes, and what's the best way to treat a sore throat? The condition—also called pharyngitis—occurs when your throat becomes infected … Read More

Is Frozen Yogurt Healthy?

Since the 1970s, frozen yogurt—“froyo,” as it's known—has been a popular alternative to traditional ice cream because it typically contains less fat and fewer calories. If you look closely at the nutritional content of some of the most loved brands, however, you’ll find that frozen yogurt can be high in … Read More

Probiotics: Benefits vs. Drawbacks

Probiotics are live micro­organisms—bacteria and yeasts—that are commonly referred to as “good” bacteria. Probiotic benefits, experts believe, extend to our digestive health by increasing the population of good bacteria in the intestines, which prevents “bad” bacteria (for example, Clostridium difficile and Escherichia coli) from causing illness. Yogurt and kefir (a … Read More

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