
Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

To understand diverticulitis, you need to understand diverticulosis, so let’s start there. Diverticulosis is a very common bowel condition. It usually occurs in the last part of your colon, called your sigmoid colon. A pouch of the inner lining of your colon pushes inward  through a weak area of the … Read More

A Healthy, Easy Tomato Sauce Recipe

Whether you have access tomatoes fresh from the garden, the grocery store, or even canned tomatoes, there is so much potential for this healthy, delicious ingredient. Tomatoes are a very versatile ingredient, but a favorite recipe that can be used for a multitude of dishes is tomato sauce. This easy … Read More

The Unusual Link Between Low Stomach Acid and Osteoporosis

Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, a well-known natural healing physician in Renton, Washington reports that 90 percent of his patients with osteoporosis have low stomach acid. What's the link? If stomach acid is low, he explains, your body won't be able to absorb calcium, strontium, magnesium and the other minerals critical … Read More

One of the Best Natural Heartburn Remedies: Betaine HCl

Acid-blocking proton pump inhibitor drugs (the little purple pills), antacids, and other heartburn medications work by reducing stomach acid levels. But sometimes heartburn and indigestion are not caused by high stomach acids levels at all. In fact, these unpleasant symptoms can be triggered by low stomach acid levels. Betaine HCl, … Read More

Low Stomach Acid: A Surprising Cause of Indigestion Symptoms

A University of Manchester study published in Cambridge Journal confirmed that low stomach acid is more to blame than too much stomach acid for the common indigestion symptoms associated with aging.[1] Causes | Symptoms What makes some people able to handle the occasional gastronomical indulgence while others seem doomed to pay … Read More

Gastritis Relief: The Key Is to Treat the Root Cause

Coping with gastritis and its many symptoms is about as much fun as getting punched in the stomach. Your first instinct may be to reach for an antacid medication because that usually provides quick gastritis relief. But if you want to keep painful gastritis symptoms away for good, the key … Read More

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