digestive disorders

Is Turmeric Good for Arthritis?

Turmeric is a plant in the ginger family. The Latin name is Curcuma longa. Turmeric has been used for centuries in both Chinese and Indian medicine to treat diseases of inflammation like arthritis, allergy, respiratory, and digestive disorders. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that may give it anti-inflammatory … Read More

Salmonella Poisoning: How to Avoid a Common Food-Borne Illness

You might think salmonella poisoning means contaminated salmon, but it doesn’t! Contrary to its name, it’s more commonly linked to chicken than fish. More specifically, salmonella (salmonellosis) is a bacterial infection that affects your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There are more than 250 food-borne illnesses, and salmonella is one of the … Read More

Refined Carbs: Are They Our Worst Enemy?

You’ve heard it before—food is fuel. The energy we get from food comes from three “macronutrients”—protein, fat and carbohydrates. Food also provides us with about 40 micronutrients: vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients (plant chemicals). Nutrients work together (nutrient synergism) and a diet rich in a variety of whole food fruits … Read More

Phosphorus Foods: Balance, as Always, Is the Key

The minerals you absorb from consuming a healthy diet are more important to your well-being than you might realize. Phosphorus, for example, is the second-most-plentiful mineral in your body, next to calcium. And what does phosphorus do for us? Approximately 85 percent of the body's phosphorus is in bones and … Read More

Doctors Near Me: How to Find Integrative Physicians

You've likely heard—or asked—this question more than once: "How do I find good doctors near me?" Locating a physician close to your home can be a daunting task, especially if you're looking for one who will support increasingly popular "natural medicine" practices: Limited pharmaceuticals Treating the root cause 'Finding a … Read More

Diverticulitis Definition, Treatments, and Prevention

The diverticulitis definition may not be well known, but a majority of older adults suffer from this condition of the colon. The diverticulitis definition is best explained by describing how diverticulitis starts—and what it starts as. According to The Diverticulitis Foundation of America, half of Americans older than age 60 … Read More

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Chronic pain without the hope for relief is a reality for too many people. Sadly, the shocking truth is 46 percent of the people suffering from chronic pain never obtain adequate pain relief from conventional medicine therapies such as pharmaceutical pain pills or injection therapy.[1] So where do you turn? … Read More

Beyond Gluten: Could It Be Wheat Sensitivity?

Wheat and gluten (a protein in wheat) are at the top of the list of foods being targeted for causing “food sensitivities.” Many people who may test negative for celiac disease, which calls for a lifelong gluten-free diet, and wheat allergy still experience discomfort with wheat consumption. Here’s an overview … Read More

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