nutritional supplements

Is There a SIBO Diet That Will Help My Symptoms?

SIBO treatment (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is often needed for many people with chronic gas, bloating, and Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a medical condition caused by abnormal types and amounts of bacteria growing in your small intestine. Your small intestine is the part of your digestive system between … Read More

The Unusual Link Between Low Stomach Acid and Osteoporosis

Dr. Jonathan Wright, MD, a well-known natural healing physician in Renton, Washington reports that 90 percent of his patients with osteoporosis have low stomach acid. What's the link? If stomach acid is low, he explains, your body won't be able to absorb calcium, strontium, magnesium and the other minerals critical … Read More

Stay Sharp: 4 Supplements That May Help Cognitive Health

Researchers have identified a number of herbal and nutritional supplements that can prevent or slow the progression of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer’s disease. But four stand out as being especially effective. Because symptoms don’t manifest until  years or decades after they begin, these four supplements for cognitive … Read More

3 Nutrients That May Help To Lower Triglycerides

If you've discovered that you have high triglycerides, it's important to learn how to lower your levels. How to lower triglycerides? A number of ways are available, but you almost always should begin by using three of the most-researched natural therapies: omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and niacin, each of which … Read More

Acetylcholine Supplement: Use it to Improve Your Memory

If Alzheimer’s disease or dementia —or what might seem like natural memory loss—has affected you or someone you know, consider the benefits of increasing acetylcholine or using an acetylcholine supplement. Acetylcholine is an often-overlooked but critically necessary nutrient. Since the brain’s ability to create acetylcholine lessens as we age, the … Read More

Healthy Eating Helps You Stay Sharp as You Age

Reduced blood flow to the brain, loss of gray matter, and buildup of sticky tangles and plaques of certain proteins can all lead to loss of cognitive ability. A large body of strong evidence supports the idea that physical activity and healthy eating can help keep your brain sharp by … Read More

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