risk of colon cancer

Best Foods for Gut Health

When you think about gut health, you are thinking about the last part of your digestive system, called your colon. Both the foods you eat and the foods you avoid affect your gut health. Eating for a healthy colon can help you avoid gut problems like colon cancer, inflammatory bowel … Read More

Protein and Your Health

There’s a lot of focus these days on how much protein one should eat, and while some people respond by eating more than they need, thinking that if enough is good, more is better, many others aren’t getting enough. When eating with health in mind, it’s important to aim for … Read More

Alternative Sources of Calcium: 7 Reliable Food Types

Calcium is an important nutrient for healthy bones, heart, muscles, and nerves. It helps blood vessels expand and contract, it helps glands secrete hormones and enzymes, and it’s important for muscle contraction. Your body needs calcium to perform these and other vital functions, so if you don’t get enough in … Read More

Stone Fruits: 8 Healthy Reasons to Keep Them Stocked

What do cherries, apricots and mangoes have in common? Beside being delicious and healthy, all three are members of the stone fruit family. Stone fruits are part of the Prunus genus, which shares a similar characteristic—a very large and hard seed, or “stone.” They’re generally abundant during the months of May through … Read More

Healthy Snacks: Plan Ahead to Keep Your Hunger at Bay

When you’re trying to eat healthfully, don’t overlook your snack selections. Healthy snacks can help tide you over until the next meal while also helping you to fulfill some of your daily nutrient needs. However, eating snacks that are high in calories and low in nutrients can derail an other­wise … Read More

Colonoscopy: Key to Heading Off Colorectal Cancer

A recent report from the American Cancer Society (ACS) indicates that colorectal cancer rates, and the rate of death from the disease, have fallen in people age 50 and older. ACS experts conclude that the declines are probably due to increased screening for the disease. Several screening methods are available, … Read More

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