digestive problems

Best Foods for Gut Health

When you think about gut health, you are thinking about the last part of your digestive system, called your colon. Both the foods you eat and the foods you avoid affect your gut health. Eating for a healthy colon can help you avoid gut problems like colon cancer, inflammatory bowel … Read More

Minerals and Vitamins That May Help Acne

Acne is a bothersome problem most people have been familiar with at some point in their lives. Affecting adolescents and young adults the most, this skin disease can persist for years and can even lead to scarring if not treated. In severe cases, doctors prescribe both topical and oral antibiotics. … Read More

6 Health Benefits of Honey

Of all the natural home remedies your parents or grandparents made you try as kid—whether it was aloe vera or oatmeal or ginger—our guess is that honey was your favorite. Not only does it taste good, but it has nourishing and healing properties. But what are the benefits of honey? … Read More

GERD: Heartburn is Just One Symptom of This Condition

What most people commonly know as “heartburn” is a symptom of Gastrointestinal Esophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. Heartburn—a sharp, burning feeling in the chest—can be an occasional problem that doesn’t require anything more than symptom relief with an over-the-counter (OTC) antacid. But if heartburn becomes a persistent problem, it could … Read More

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