bowel movement

What to Know About Hiatal Hernias

Aging puts you at risk for more health issues, particularly if you're overweight or obese. One such issue that has become more common as the U.S. obesity rate increases is hiatal hernia pain. Estimates suggest that up to half of adults age 60 and older have this type of hernia. … Read More

Impacted Bowel: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

An impacted bowel is one of the more unpleasant digestive issues you can experience. Bowel obstruction symptoms occur when a mass of dry, hard stool will not pass out of the colon or rectum. Bowel impaction can become a serious issue if not treated, and in extreme cases may even … Read More

Should You Use an Enema for Constipation?

Being constipated stinks—your bowel movements are dry, almost painful to pass, with little relief. Worse yet, you can manage to push something through only a couple of days a week. You feel bloated, fatigued, and just plain uncomfortable. It’s all you can think about. And, after a week or so, … Read More

Weight Fluctuation is Normal – These are the Common Causes

You've probably asked yourself, at least once, "Why does my weight fluctuate so much?" Weight fluctuation throughout the course of a day is normal. Weight fluctuation throughout the course of your life can be harmful. Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? It’s not. A person should strive to maintain a lifelong, consistent … Read More

Erectile Dysfunction Causes and Cures

Erectile dysfunction causes can be attributed to many diseases and medical conditions known to cause ED. The first step treatment is ensuring that you are appropriately treating any underlying medical disease causing your ED. For example, if you have diabetes, managing your blood glucose levels is not only critical for … Read More

Constipation Remedies Needed? Try Magnesium

Although constipation is a symptom of an underlying problem that should be addressed, sometimes urgent action is required to move things along. Magnesium citrate has a high success rate when used as a constipation remedies alternative. Magnesium Citrate to the Rescue? Constipation, which can include infrequent elimination, difficulty passing stools, … Read More

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