
What Are Whole Grains?

There are many reasons why a diet that includes whole grains benefits your health. Nowadays, you can find the label “whole grain” almost everywhere. This overused label can be confusing. Is it really a marker of a healthy product? How do you know which products actually contain true, healthy whole grains and … Read More

Coronary Artery Disease: Reduce Your Risk

Those who suffer from coronary artery disease (CAD) struggle to get enough blood to their hearts. The reason? CAD occurs when plaque limits or blocks the flow of blood through arteries that lead to the heart muscle. Some people, because of non-modifiable (unchangeable) risk factors, have a high chance of … Read More

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is an operation that shortens the digestive tract to prevent your body from absorbing all the calories you consume. Weight loss is the most obvious result—but bariatric surgery can do more than help people shed pounds. In fact, in many cases, bariatric surgery can reverse obesity-related medical conditions, … Read More

Prostate Cancer: Causes and Risk Factors

The cause of prostate cancer is complex and not fully understood. We do know that the glandular tissue of the prostate is prone to genetic mutations that may be triggered by a variety of factors. In many men, the disease seems to be random, and the cause remains unknown. The … Read More

Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Remedy or Scam?

Some in the media have touted apple cider vinegar as a miracle cure-all. Wishful thinking, sadly. Miracle cure-alls are few and far between. Having said that, there is some research that supports apple cider vinegar's use in certain conditions. So let’s delve into the science—limited though it may be—of this … Read More

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