risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Are Sunflower Seeds Good for You?

Nuts and seeds are great additions to salads, yogurts, or on their own as a quick snack. But are sunflower seeds healthy? These tasty seeds are quite good for you – they are a good source of nutrients like vitamin E and they have protective effects in your body. Just be sure … Read More

Cholesterol Levels for Women May Increase After Menopause

As we age, our risk for certain diseases and medical conditions becomes higher. For women, menopause may be an independent risk factor for some of these conditions. Cardiovascular disease, in particular, accelerates in women after menopause. Women who experience menopause before the age of 45 are at an increased risk … Read More

Are Walnuts Good For You?

We recently shared with you how adding nuts to your diet can help you live longer, prevent disease, and actually control weight, in contrast to the many claims that nuts are unhealthy, fatty indulgences. And it seems that the best nut of all might just be the walnut. So if … Read More

How to Prevent a Stroke

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, so it’s in your best interests to prevent a stroke whenever possible. The encouraging news is that there are precautionary tips for how to prevent a stroke and a large percentage of ischemic strokes could be prevented by … Read More

Heart-Healthy Diet Plan: Yes, “Planning” Is Paramount

Timing and planning may mean everything when it comes to following a heart-healthy diet plan. That’s the message of a American Heart Association (AHA) scientific statement. The more thoughtful you are not only about what you eat but when and how often, the AHA advises, the more successful you'll have … Read More

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