osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

What is Homeopathy?

As a naturopathic physician, I use a variety of tools and strategies to help my patients. One of them—homeopathy—is widely misunderstood. Some people mistake homeopathy as just another word for natural medicine. Rather, it’s a specific technique that uses very small doses of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s … Read More

Arthritis Gloves: Can They Reduce Pain, Swelling, or Stiffness?

The evidence is far from compelling, but a product called arthritis gloves may reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling in the hands caused by rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. There are several varieties of arthritis gloves, each designed to address different arthritis symptoms. Thermal gloves increase circulation and keep the hands warm. Compression … Read More

Painkillers: A Primer on Effective—and Safe—Choices

Medications can be effective for treating pain, but they're not the only method. In fact, some people shouldn’t use painkillers at all. Others simply don’t need them because there are other ways to treat pain. Options for relieving pain without taking medications begin with conservative approaches such as losing weight, … Read More

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