chronic inflammation

Surprising High Blood Sugar Symptoms

Why do some women grow mustaches while some men start crying at movies? You may be surprised to know these embarrassing traits are typical high blood sugar symptoms. High blood sugar is caused by a diet high in sweets, soda, and starches (breads, pasta, rice, corn, potatoes, etc.) This diet … Read More

The Role of Inflammation in Fatigue

As a doctor, I hear this question a lot. When a patient asks me, “Why am I tired all the time?” I think of inflammation. It may surprise you, as it does many of my patients, that you could have a problem with inflammation and not even know it, and … Read More

Constipation Remedies Needed? Try Magnesium

Although constipation is a symptom of an underlying problem that should be addressed, sometimes urgent action is required to move things along. Magnesium citrate has a high success rate when used as a constipation remedies alternative. Magnesium Citrate to the Rescue? Constipation, which can include infrequent elimination, difficulty passing stools, … Read More

Stress as a Cause of Fatigue

Chronic or severe stress is a very common cause of fatigue. Stress is a real or interpreted threat that results in physical and behavioral responses that are designed to help the body adapt. Situations that are new, unpredictable, or that appear threatening or uncontrollable activate the body’s stress response systems, … Read More

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