glycemic index food list

Is Your Blood Sugar in the Normal Range?

Blood sugar is also called blood glucose. It is a measurement of the amount of sugar in your blood. This measurement is found by doing a blood test, usually after an 8-hour fast. It is important to know this number because it tells your doctor or if you are at … Read More

What Is Metformin Used For and Is it Safe?

Metformin is considered the gold standard for type 2 diabetes treatment and is used alongside diet and exercise to help lower blood sugar. It works by helping to improve your body’s response to insulin. It also decreases the production of sugar in the liver and prevents absorption of sugar in … Read More

What Causes Diabetes? Study Implicates High Fructose Corn Syrup

Research published in 2012 in the journal Global Public Health reveals what causes diabetes, and it’s not sugar! The study proves there is an “ecological relationship” between consumption of this one little ingredient and increased type 2 diabetes rates. In fact, since the invention of this sweetener in the 1970s, … Read More

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