to control high blood pressure
Chris Iliades, MD
If you have prediabetes, there is about a 50 percent chance you will go on to develop type 2 diabetes. This is something you want to avoid because type 2 diabetes increases your risk for damage to your heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. The good news is that making some … Read More
Aliza Lifshitz, MD
Fatigue, stress, children, routine, and even some diseases—all of these factors can cause low libido and become enemies of your sex drive. If you and your partner have hit a wall, there are ways to get back the energy... and the desire. Act now! The “eternal honeymoon,” after all, is … Read More
Kate Brophy
When trying to figure out the reason behind a headache, you might find yourself wondering if you’re having brain aneurysm symptoms. Dilated pupils, blurred or double vision, and eye-region pain (a headache behind eyes, a headache between eyes, or a headache above eyes) all could be signs to seek medical … Read More