gestational diabetes

Is There a Cure for Diabetes?

Every year in the United States, 1.5 million people are diagnosed with diabetes, and it's the seventh-leading cause of death, according to the American Diabetes Association. Can diabetes be cured? Let's first consider the two main types: Type 1 (or juvenile) diabetesaccounts for 5 percent of all cases. Type 2 … Read More

How Much Iodine Do You Need? More When You’re Pregnant

Normally, you’re recommended to consume about 150 μg of iodine per day. But when you are pregnant, your body needs a lot more. Iodine is a vital part of making thyroid hormones, which are crucial for proper brain and neurological development during gestation. These iodine benefits are particularly important during … Read More

How to Avoid Diabetes: 4 Steps to Take

Type 1 diabetes is currently not preventable, though research focused on what causes it may one day lead to preventative measures. For type 2 and gestational diabetes, however, many of the treatment options involving lifestyle changes can help delay or even prevent diabetes. Here, we offer four lifestyle tips on … Read More

How Do You Get Diabetes?

The worldwide prevalence of diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions, recent data suggests. So, the critical question for everyone is: How do you get diabetes? A number of underlying factors are to blame for the global upswing in diabetes cases. To avoid becoming part of the statistics, it’s vital to understand … Read More

Normal Glucose Levels: Check Your Numbers

Normal glucose levels are important to monitor, even if you have not been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is the name of a group of diseases in which the body is unable to properly utilize blood sugar (glucose) for energy. There are three primary forms of … Read More

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