feel tired

What Keeps You Up at Night? 6 Ways to Beat Insomnia

You no doubt have found yourself tossing and turning at night, failing to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. If that sounds too familiar and happens too frequently, you may be suffering from insomnia. Any insomnia definition describes an inability to fall asleep. However, the condition—which effects an estimated 60 … Read More

5 Common Fatigue Causes: Understanding Why You’re So Tired

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even in people who are otherwise “healthy.” Yet despite how prevalent it is, medical researchers still do not completely understand what happens in the body to cause fatigue. They … Read More

Do You Have Chronic Dehydration?

Water is one of the health essentials you probably don’t think about much, but chronic dehydration can have significant impact on your well-being. Furthermore, we wouldn’t survive long without it. Water makes up about three-quarters of our body weight; we obtain it via the fluids we drink (obviously!), and from … Read More

Hypothyroidism May Be the Cause of Your Fatigue

Hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by autoimmune thyroid disease, a disorder in the body that causes the immune system to mistakenly attack the body’s thyroid gland. The attack renders the thyroid incapable of producing enough thyroid hormone to keep your metabolism working at a normal pace, leading, ultimately, to fatigue … Read More

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