overcoming depression

Finding Depression Support Online

About half of depressed people do not receive the care they need. Barriers to receiving care include not believing your symptoms are severe enough to merit treatment, lack of hope that treatment will help, inability to identify or physically get to the centers where care is available, cost of treatment, … Read More

8 Easy Tips for Coping with Depression

Coping with depression can be very difficult, but you can lessen the blow by recognizing when you have symptoms and getting professional help. Follow the treatment plan your doctor prescribes. Contact your doctor right away if you are having bothersome or worrisome side effects from your medication. Keep in mind … Read More

Treating Depression in the Elderly

Depression affects more than 6.5 million people ages 65 and older in the U.S., according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. That number rises dramatically among elderly people who are hospitalized—demonstrating the effect significant illness can have on mental health. Causes | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment   Causes … Read More

Signs of Depression Relapse and How to Prevent Them

One of the most important, yet most neglected, aspects of depression treatment is preventing depression from returning. Relapse refers to the returning signs of depression after a period of weeks or months of doing well. The term recurrence sometimes refers to a relapse that occurs late, after many months or … Read More

How to Support Someone Dealing with Depression

When someone you care about is dealing with depression, it can be painful to watch. People with depression don’t always make good choices. You may get frustrated when they refuse to leave the house or eat anything except burgers and fries. It’s not uncommon for people dealing with depression to … Read More

The Perfect Natural Antidepressant: Exercise

Wondering how to boost your mood with a natural antidepressant? The best starting point is regular exercise. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are brain chemicals that help you feel good while also promoting nerve cell growth, as noted in the University Health News report Overcoming Depression. Research has found that … Read More

Depression Symptoms – How to Recognize the Most Common Ones

Depression has different effects on each individual. While some people experience overwhelming feelings of sadness, other people may feel short-tempered, irritable and angry. To find out if you are depressed, take the following depression quiz.* Answer "yes" or "no" to the statements to see if you are experiencing any of … Read More

Overcome Depression with One Simple Step!

For many people suffering from clinical depression, regular exercise has been shown to act as a mood elevator. But don’t let the word “exercise” scare you. One easy form of physical activity is walking. That means you can overcome depression by taking a simple step – literally! How Walking Affects … Read More

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