hpa axis

High Cortisol Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Although a stress-induced increase in cortisol secretion is beneficial in the short-term, excessive or prolonged cortisol secretion may lead to high cortisol symptoms. Cortisol is a vital hormone produced and secreted by the adrenal glands. The hormone is released in a rhythmic fashion, with levels peaking in the morning (to … Read More

The Role of Inflammation in Fatigue

As a doctor, I hear this question a lot. When a patient asks me, “Why am I tired all the time?” I think of inflammation. It may surprise you, as it does many of my patients, that you could have a problem with inflammation and not even know it, and … Read More

Two Supplements That May Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and knew there was compelling research showing the effectiveness of two specific nutrients in bringing relief, you would probably be interested! Such is the case, and here are the details on this chronic fatigue syndrome treatment. CFS is a complex, multifactorial illness … Read More

Psychobiotics: Probiotics That May Impact Mood

It’s hard to believe that by altering the bacteria in your gut, you can better handle stress, improve your mood, and even treat your anxiety or depression. But an explosion of research into the fascinating world of the gut-brain connection is showing just that. We now know that you can … Read More

What Causes Fatigue? The Stress Factor

You’re always tired but you haven’t been able to pinpoint the reason. You think about embarking on a campaign to get to the bottom of your fatigue, but—sad to say—you don’t have the energy to follow through. Don’t feel bad; even the medical community doesn’t fully understand what causes fatigue. … Read More

Best Probiotic? “Psychobiotics” May Hold the Answer

Scientists are increasingly interested in the relationship between our body’s natural bacterial flora living in our gut—or “microbiome”—and medical conditions that range from inflammatory bowel disease and heart disease to autism and depression. The microbiome appears to play a greater role in health and disease than previously recognized. Probiotics, defined … Read More

What Is Adrenal Fatigue? Watch for These Symptoms

Are you besieged by fatigue plus one or more nagging other problems, such as insomnia, weight gain, or depression? If so, you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Specific lab tests are available to confirm an adrenal dysfunction problem, but just knowing the typical adrenal fatigue symptoms is often quite … Read More

Lack of Energy: Could That Be One of Your Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms?

Have you heard the term “adrenal fatigue” and wondered if your excessive tiredness or chronic lack of energy could actually be adrenal fatigue symptoms? Natural and integrative medicine practitioners often use the term “adrenal fatigue” to name the complex array of symptoms related to dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. … Read More

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