loss of energy

What Is Serotonin Deficiency?

Serotonin is an important brain chemical that relays messages in your brain, called a neurotransmitter. [1,2] Serotonin is also a hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through your body. Although serotonin has effects on your whole body, according to the Endocrine Society, serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes … Read More

Fatigue Causes Include Lack of 4 Specific Nutrients

Your body depends on optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients to run its metabolic pathways, or the biochemical reactions that produce energy. That’s why one of the primary fatigue causes in Western cultures is a poor diet. Most people are simply not eating the types or quantities … Read More

Dementia Causes: Can Depression Play a Role?

Dementia causes can be a mystery, but there's no doubt the condition is too prevalent. About 5.4 million Americans are thought to have some degree of dementia, and its destructive effects on our cognitive abilities come at huge cost to our overall wellbeing—and that of our loved ones. “The decline … Read More

What is Fatigue? The Answer May Surprise You

With more people suffering from fatigue than ever before, there’s still not a universally accepted definition, let alone a thorough medical understanding of fatigue. Even worse, there's still no standard practice of treating it.  Information on the topic is so conflicting that if you asked a dozen doctors, “What is … Read More

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