
What Is Serotonin Deficiency?

Serotonin is an important brain chemical that relays messages in your brain, called a neurotransmitter. [1,2] Serotonin is also a hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through your body. Although serotonin has effects on your whole body, according to the Endocrine Society, serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes … Read More

Am I Depressed? These 10 Symptoms Can Tell the Story

The National Institutes of Health defines depression as a common but serious mood disorder. That may leave you still wondering, "Am I depressed?" The answer is: You're dealing with depression if your mood severely affects you how feel, think, sleep, work, and interact with others, and if your depression symptoms … Read More

What Is Dopamine? Understanding the “Feel-Good Hormone”

You’ve heard of it, but you still may be wondering, “What is dopamine?” Its reputation centers around its reputation as the “feel-good hormone.” Dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, bliss, motivation, and concentration, yet there’s more to it than that. Like serotonin, dopamine is a type of brain chemical … Read More

Lack of Motivation? Depression Could Be the Cause

You have lack of motivation to participate in the things you love. You feel hopeless. You’re fatigued, unable to sleep well or concentrate. As a result, your relationships at home and work suffer. If you’re bogged down by a lack of motivation, don’t just chalk it up to boredom or … Read More

What Is Depression? Symptoms Tell the Story

Depression is a disorder that negatively affects mood, thoughts, and behavior. It is also known as “major depressive disorder” or “clinical depression,” and for a diagnosis to be made, symptoms must have been present for at least two weeks. It is a common but serious mood disorder, but with appropriate … Read More

The Future May Bring a Reliable Bipolar Test

If you’re looking for a bipolar test because you’re dealing with mood swings and worried you have early signs of bipolar disease—also called manic depression or manic-depressive disorder—you’re going to be disappointed.  There is no reliable, confirmed diagnostic bipolar test to confirm a diagnosis for the over-the-top shifts in a … Read More

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