mood stabilizers

What is Dopamine Deficiency?

You may have read or heard about dopamine deficiency and supplements or diets to increase your dopamine level. Dopamine is an important brain chemical, but other than a rare, inherited genetic disorder, there is no medical diagnosis called dopamine deficiency. [1-3] You can develop low levels of dopamine or an … Read More

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment: Natural Omega-3 May Help

Does fish oil supplementation work as borderline personality disorder treatment? The benefits of fish oil supplements for those who suffer from borderline personality disorder were confirmed in two different randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies. The research found fish oil supplements to be safe and effective for significantly reducing depression, aggression, and … Read More

The Future May Bring a Reliable Bipolar Test

If you’re looking for a bipolar test because you’re dealing with mood swings and worried you have early signs of bipolar disease—also called manic depression or manic-depressive disorder—you’re going to be disappointed.  There is no reliable, confirmed diagnostic bipolar test to confirm a diagnosis for the over-the-top shifts in a … Read More

How to Overcome Depression: A Closer Look at Your Options

If you've been struggling to figure out how to overcome depression, you may have turned to medications, talk therapy, lifestyle changes, and/or alternative treatments. Each can be effective, but they also won't guarantee relief from that cloud of depression. How to Overcome Depression: Medications Medications are thought to improve mood … Read More

What Kind of Depression Do I Have?

Because there are multiple types of depression, anyone feeling as if he or she is battling the condition might understandably wonder, “What kind of depression do I have?” The most severe form is major depressive disorder, or MDD. People with MDD feel down most or all of the time and … Read More

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