
The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting

We live in a diet culture, one in which we are constantly exposed to the “next best way to weight loss.” If you’ve toyed with trying one of these trends on for size—Keto, Vegetarian, Atkins, Whole30—or if you’re the type who just dives right in, you likely already know that … Read More

Lupin Allergy: Are You At Risk?

If you haven’t heard of lupin, the up-and-coming legume soon to reach superfood status, it’s time you were in the loop. Hardly a new player in the food arena, lupin beans, commonly called lupini beans, have nourished ancient Egyptians, Incans, and Romans and they continue to be popular in modern … Read More

Does Cooking in Cast Iron Help Iron Deficiency?

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, iron deficiency anemia affects from 4 to 5 million Americans. It is most common in children and women. Worldwide, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency. [1] Iron is essential for health because it is needed to form proteins called hemoglobin … Read More

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms, from Fatigue to Mouth Sores

Vitamin B12 deficiency is best known as a cause of fatigue, but this vitamin is important for much more than keeping energy levels up. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms include depression, sore mouth, memory loss, and dizziness. The vitamin B12 plays crucial roles in maintaining the health of your blood cells, … Read More

Are You at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

You probably know that calcium is important for growing and keeping your bones strong. Did you know that calcium has many other important functions? These include heart, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and hormone functions. There is also some evidence that maintaining a normal calcium level may reduce your risk for … Read More

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