
Rickets on the Rise?

Rickets—a common health problem in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries—might be making a comeback where you would least expect it: in a modern, industrialized European nation. A recent University of Toronto study (Scientific Reports, Nov. 17, 2017), focused on a mysterious increase in cases of rickets among British children … Read More

Is Milk Really Good For You?

You have probably seen the advertisements with celebrities sporting milk mustaches. If so, you're familiar with the slogan, “Milk, it does a body good!” But, is milk really good for you?  While proponents tout that drinking milk is the best and most efficient way to increase consumption of calcium, this claim is … Read More

Is Milk Really Good For You?

You have probably seen the advertisements with celebrities sporting milk mustaches. If so, you are familiar with the slogan, “Milk, it does a body good!” But, is milk really good for you? While proponents tout that drinking milk is the best and most efficient way to increase consumption of calcium, this claim is … Read More

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