treatment of anxiety

A Patient’s Guide to CBD and Drug Interactions

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a well-known component of hemp with diverse health benefits such as reducing pain and inflammation after physical activity, relief from occasional sleeplessness, as well as improvements in focus, mood and resilience to stress. Numerous studies have shown that CBD is a safe, non-impairing, and non-habit-forming substance. The … Read More

What is GABA Deficiency?

If you Google "GABA deficiency," the only recognized medical condition you will find is GABA-transaminase deficiency, which is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is not survivable. [1] GABA deficiency is not a recognized deficiency like vitamin D or calcium deficiency that you can test for and correct with a … Read More

Natural Anxiety Remedies: This One Has the Most Research

Suffering with anxiety is stressful enough without having to deal with all the harmful side effects associated with prescription drugs. Yet, many people just don’t know where to find natural anxiety remedies, especially one that really works. One herbal anxiety remedy has been extensively studied and has shown consistent, effective … Read More

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