sleep disorders

What is GABA Deficiency?

If you Google "GABA deficiency," the only recognized medical condition you will find is GABA-transaminase deficiency, which is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is not survivable. [1] GABA deficiency is not a recognized deficiency like vitamin D or calcium deficiency that you can test for and correct with a … Read More

What to Know About Twitching While Sleeping

Have you ever been jerked out of sleep by a sudden twitch or uncontrolled muscle movement, or noticed jerks and twitches in your sleep partner? You are not alone, since these movements during sleep occur in up to 70 percent of people. They are commonly called sleep starts or hypnic … Read More

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The vast majority of prostate cancers originate in the glandular cells of the prostate and are called adenocarcinomas. Prostate cancer is second only to skin cancer as the most common cancer seen in men in the United States. While most men do not die from prostate cancer, it is the … Read More

Melatonin May Offer Benefits for IBS Sufferers

People with irritable bowel syndrome can suffer for years without finding a way to relieve their symptoms, but a new review article reveals a promising treatment option: melatonin benefits for IBS. Produced by the pineal gland in the brain and by cells in the mucous lining of the digestive tract, … Read More

Your Risk Level for Alzheimer’s

People joke about “senior moments,” those times when your brain goes blank mid-sentence, you forget your own phone number, or simple math becomes confusing. Perhaps you forget the names of friends, misplace things frequently, or rely on an extensive array of sticky notes, calendars, and lists to remember everyday activities. … Read More

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