
What is GABA Deficiency?

If you Google "GABA deficiency," the only recognized medical condition you will find is GABA-transaminase deficiency, which is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is not survivable. [1] GABA deficiency is not a recognized deficiency like vitamin D or calcium deficiency that you can test for and correct with a … Read More

Picking Scabs: Why We Do It and How to Stop

Ever enjoyed popping a pimple? How about poking a blister? It can feel gratifying to watch the grossness ooze out, right? Many people are guilty of picking scabs and some people even eat them afterwards. In fact, our desire to pick our scabs could say something important about our mental … Read More

Hashimoto’s Diet: Manage Fatigue, Depression, Weight Gain

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.[1] You don’t need to have hypothyroidism as defined by the standard thyroid labs to suffer from Hashimoto’s symptoms: fatigue, depression, weight gain, and more.[2] Fortunately, you can treat your Hashimoto’s symptoms yourself with a Hashimoto’s diet. Hashimoto’s … Read More

Strength Training for Brain Health

Aerobic exercise may be the kind of workout most closely associated with brain health benefits. Think about the circulation boost you get from a brisk walk or game of tennis. But strength training with weights, machines, resistance bands or your own body weight (think push-ups) also may help improve cognition. … Read More

What Causes Nightmares? 7 Common Triggers

You may remember, as a kid, occasionally waking up in a cold sweat, startled out of your slumber by one of those frighteningly vivid nightmares. Perhaps the experience still pops up from time to time; bad dreams may be more common in children, but adults aren't immune to them. Around … Read More

How to Support Someone Dealing with Depression

When someone you care about is dealing with depression, it can be painful to watch. People with depression don’t always make good choices. You may get frustrated when they refuse to leave the house or eat anything except burgers and fries. It’s not uncommon for people dealing with depression to … Read More

What Is Cortisol and What Does It Have to Do with Stress?

Cortisol is often referred to as the “stress hormone,” because it becomes more abundant when we are faced with a stressful situation. It affects the heart rate, breathing patterns, and other aspects of the body’s “fight or flight” response. But just what is cortisol? And what does it do? Probably … Read More

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