calcium deficiency

What is GABA Deficiency?

If you Google "GABA deficiency," the only recognized medical condition you will find is GABA-transaminase deficiency, which is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is not survivable. [1] GABA deficiency is not a recognized deficiency like vitamin D or calcium deficiency that you can test for and correct with a … Read More

What is Dopamine Deficiency?

You may have read or heard about dopamine deficiency and supplements or diets to increase your dopamine level. Dopamine is an important brain chemical, but other than a rare, inherited genetic disorder, there is no medical diagnosis called dopamine deficiency. [1-3] You can develop low levels of dopamine or an … Read More

Are You at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

You probably know that calcium is important for growing and keeping your bones strong. Did you know that calcium has many other important functions? These include heart, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, and hormone functions. There is also some evidence that maintaining a normal calcium level may reduce your risk for … Read More

Alternative Sources of Calcium: 7 Reliable Food Types

Calcium is an important nutrient for healthy bones, heart, muscles, and nerves. It helps blood vessels expand and contract, it helps glands secrete hormones and enzymes, and it’s important for muscle contraction. Your body needs calcium to perform these and other vital functions, so if you don’t get enough in … Read More

Lead in Water: Is Our Drinking Supply Safe?

High lead levels found in the Flint, Mich., water supply a few years ago heightened national concerns about public water safety. In 2017, the Reuters news agency reported that children in Fresno, Calif., had as high or higher lead levels than children in Flint, and that tainted drinking water could … Read More

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