lung disorders

The Health Benefits of Oregano Oil

Studies in human cells and in animals show that oils from the oregano plant have definite antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These oils can break down the walls of bacterial cells and may help fight infections. As an antioxidant, oregano oil may scavenge free radicals and prevent damage to healthy cells. … Read More

COPD Treatment Regimens

Even though COPD cannot be cured, it can be treated. COPD treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms, preventing the disease from getting worse, improving the ability to exercise, preventing and treating complications, and preventing and treating exacerbations. Almost every person with COPD will be prescribed a short-acting bronchodilator (either a … Read More

Smoking and COPD

The primary cause of COPD is smoking, but long-term exposure to air pollution, dust, or certain chemicals also may cause or contribute to it. Genetics and biological differences also may be involved. A diet that is rich in fiber (from whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, and nuts), … Read More

10+ Asthma Triggers to Avoid

People with asthma may suffer an asthma attack if they are exposed to certain triggers, which tend to vary from person to person. The following are the most common culprits. 1. Pollen  Outdoor allergens include pollen and mold. Allergy season, when pollen counts are highest, varies depending on where you … Read More

Is There Such a Thing as a COPD Diet?

You may not think that what you eat has anything to do with your risk of developing lung cancer or COPD. Diet, however, especially one that’s rich in fiber, may actually play a key role in preventing certain breathing diseases. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and it includes … Read More

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