copd prognosis

COPD Rehabilitation: Dealing with a Serious Lung Disorder

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rehabilitation is a series of education and structured exercises that allow people to make the most of the remaining capacity of their lungs. People with COPD who engage in a rehabilitation program have less shortness of breath, an increased ability to exercise, better quality of … Read More

COPD Prognosis: What to Do When It Worsens

One of the lung problem symptoms people in the last stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may experience, according to the standard COPD GOLD classification, is a low level of oxygen in their blood. This condition is called hypoxemia, and can cause increased difficulty breathing, and further impair the ability … Read More

GOLD COPD Guidelines for Lung Disease Treatment

One of the missions of GOLD COPD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) involves the stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Before diagnosis, a doctor may suspect COPD in anyone with a history of smoking or exposure to environmental irritants. Characteristic lung problem symptoms that accompany COPD include chronic … Read More

What Does “GOLD COPD” Mean?

"GOLD COPD"—you may have read or heard the phrase in relation to lung diseases. But what does GOLD COPD mean? The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) is a program created to raise awareness of COPD signs and symptoms and to boost COPD life expectancy. It was launched … Read More

Is There a COPD Cure? Here’s the Answer

It's a natural question for anyone who has been diagnosed with (or who knows someone dealing with) chronic pulmonary obstructive disease: "Is there a COPD cure?" There may not be a COPD cure, but treatment with COPD medications and other approaches can relieve symptoms, prevent the disease from getting worse, … Read More

COPD Medications List: What to Expect

There are no cures for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but your doctor will work with you to figure out the right COPD medications and combinations of meds to relieve your symptoms. COPD exacerbation treatment in particular may involve several drugs. Below is a COPD medications list to inform you … Read More

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