lung conditions

What is a Pulse Oximeter?

If you have been to a doctor’s office or hospital in the last 30 years, you probably have had a pulse oximeter put on your fingertip to measure your pulse and the amount of oxygen being carried by your red blood cells, called your oxygen saturation. Pulse has always been … Read More

Is There Such a Thing as a COPD Diet?

You may not think that what you eat has anything to do with your risk of developing lung cancer or COPD. Diet, however, especially one that’s rich in fiber, may actually play a key role in preventing certain breathing diseases. COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and it includes … Read More

COPD Diagnosis: What Can You Learn from Screening and Testing?

In order to determine whether your lung problem symptoms are caused by COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), your doctor will perform a physical examination, take a detailed medical history, ask about any history of smoking (or current smoking habit) and other lifestyle issues, and perform a COPD diagnosis. The main … Read More

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