About the Author

Jami Cooley, RN, CNWC

Jami Cooley is a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant as well as a Registered Nurse, but her interest in integrative medicine grew out of her experience in conventional medicine.

Cooley began her nursing education with a strong desire to make a difference in other people’s lives. She decided that helping people who were struggling with cancer would be the ultimate expression of her passion, her training and her skill. So she became a Registered Nurse with certification in Chemotherapy and Biotherapy received at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston.

Her early career involved work as an Oncology/ Hematology Floor Nurse in a large Dallas hospital and then work as a clinic-based Chemotherapy Infusion Nurse. But in this role she soon realized her dream of helping people get well and feel better was falling far short. So she began studying the diet-link to cancer, as well as the role of nutrition in various other chronic illnesses. She became a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant and became a member of the American Fitness Professionals Association and the American Nutrition Association. She began working as a medical researcher and writer and has co-authored two books, Eating Your Way to Good Health and The Fungus Link: Volume 3.

Cooley provides nutritional counseling for individuals who want to gain energy, lose weight, or just start to feel better. And now she uses that medical training and experience as well as her passion for natural healing protocols to help readers find solutions to their chronic health challenges.

Articles by Jami Cooley, RN, CNWC

Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan and Recipes

Following the Mediterranean diet meal plan can protect your health in a number of ways: reducing the risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, obesity, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and more. But getting started on this program can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re used to a … Read More

5 Healthy Habits of Healthy People

You have no debt. You’re highly organized. You eat healthy every single day. You exercise at least four times per week. You never binge on TV or social media. You sleep eight hours every night. Your life consists only of healthy habits, and you avoid any negative influences that could … Read More

3 Nutrients That May Help To Lower Triglycerides

If you've discovered that you have high triglycerides, it's important to learn how to lower your levels. How to lower triglycerides? A number of ways are available, but you almost always should begin by using three of the most-researched natural therapies: omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and niacin, each of which … Read More

Omega-9 Benefits: Are You Getting Enough?

When it comes to choosing healthy fats, confusion abounds. More than likely, you’ve heard of those miracle fatty acids, omega-3s. These essential fats reduce inflammation in the body and can help lower the risk of chronic degenerative conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and even certain types of cancer. Along … Read More
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