stuffy nose

Clear It Up! Post-Nasal Drip Relief Remedies

Post-nasal drip is the accumulation of mucus, usually in your sinuses, that moves down the back of the nose into the throat. It can be an annoying and disruptive condition, but one that's treatable by post-nasal drip remedies, both pharmaceutical and natural. Your body makes about one to two quarts … Read More

How Long Does the Flu Last?

We all dread the day when we hear that the flu is going around—and then start to feel the first strains cropping up somewhere in our body. Every time you sneeze, cough, or feel a tingle in your throat, you wonder, “Is it my turn?” If and when you do … Read More

Cold vs. Allergies: What’s the Difference?

Ah-ah-ah-CHOO! You’re sneezing again. It’s that time of year when every other person seems to have the sniffles—nasal congestion, a runny nose, and frequent sneezing. These common symptoms most often are caused by two conditions that can be difficult to tell apart: allergies and the common cold. When it comes … Read More

How Long Is the Flu Contagious?

If you're among those who, unfortunately, become infected with the influenza virus, the first questions you'll no doubt ask will be “How long will I suffer with symptoms?” and “How long is flu contagious?” According to a national survey conducted in 2013, confusion abounds when it comes to flu facts. … Read More

How to Get Through Allergy Season

For a few years in a row, my youngest son would get the sniffles, a sore throat, and other cold symptoms around the same time every spring. I figured that many kids get a cold once a year or so; our son just happens to get his in March. My … Read More

Confronting Your Nasal Allergies

While many people welcome the changing seasons, those with allergies see the beginning of spring and fall as the time when they have to load up on extra tissues. Irritating, painful, and annoying, nasal allergies can be quite disruptive in everyday life. However, by recognizing source of your allergy, you … Read More

The Loss of Sense of Smell: Here’s Why It Matters

Don’t sniff a the loss of sense of smell. Besides a connection to dementia, there are health and nutrition factors that make hyposmia (reduction), parosmia (distortion), or anosmia (complete loss) worth investigating. There are a number of benign—albeit annoying—reasons you don’t smell well, but a connection to dementia may make … Read More

Congestion: Nasal Pain and How to Clear It Up

While many people welcome the changing seasons, those with allergies see the beginning of spring and fall as the time when they have to load up on extra tissues, thanks to congestion. Nasal conditions, often caused by allergies, can be irritating, painful, annoying, and disruptive. However, by recognizing the source … Read More

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