Comments on: Throat Cancer Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment: What to Know University Health News partners with expert sources from some of America’s most respected medical schools, hospitals, and health centers. Thu, 17 Mar 2022 18:09:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Mon, 28 Oct 2019 20:06:26 +0000 I have little soar throat only at night in bed for about 2 ½ years, could this be due to disruption of the gut bacteria that creates gas which bushes the stomach acid up?
Could this also damage the food pipe?
Thank you for reply

By: Cj Sun, 06 Oct 2019 15:03:10 +0000 Great article. My only criticism is that it did not say that the fastest growing group with this type of cancer (due to HPV ) is young people. Also, HPV ENT cancers, while still a challenging treatment, are the most successfully treated of these cancers. This information is NOT getting to young people nor those who live them. Also, no one should feel ashamed of having an HPV cancer. It can come from kissing also. And this cancer or related ones in this area can be related to EB, as mentioned, or autoimmune issues. And that is what we know now…there may be other reasons found in the future. So do not let judgement stand in the way. Cancer occurs because of the above reasons AND something else…because not everyone who smokes, drinks or gets HPV get cancer.

My experience taught me all this. I had what I thought was a budding ear infection last June 15th. For a couple months before, I woke up at night 1-2xs / week with a tickle that caused small coughing fits. Unusual for me but it did not happen often and since I have a lot of allergies, I attributed it to post-nasal drip caused by the warmer weather bringing allergens. But the moderate 2x/day fizzling Pain sensation and mild pressure immediately before the center of my ear was not going away. In June I also noticed an irritation at the side of my tongue and intermittently the hearing in that ear sounded like I had water in it. Hearing was notably but slightly diminished . By mid June I went to urgent care and the doctor said the ear was not infected and was clear. Knowing I could poke the tongue irritation and produce discomfort in the same spot before my ear, I asked this doctor if it could be related to the irritation on my tongue and she would not examine it..saying I needed to see an ENT. [NOTE: in hindsight, this MD should have connected the unexplained symptoms with the lesion because oral-pharyngeal cancers refer discomfort/pain outside if the more obvious throat symptoms..but also dependent on the location of the lesion.]

I contacted my primary care doctor and the medical assistant said to go directly to their ENT. (I’m the meantime, I saw my dentist who said, to be safe, I should see the oral surgeon). I got in the next week at the ENT’s office for a thorough examination. The ENT look at the irritation which was now a bump and said ‘I’ve see cancer regularly and that is not cancer”. Knowing that some cancers can be very tricky to diagnose w/o biopsy, I kept my appt with the oral surgeon. Knowing that this was now a very suspicious lesion and how quickly oral-esophageal cancers can increase in stage (1-4), I made two appts at two oral surgeons because this was challenging to get a timely biopsy as general oral surgeons could take up to 6 weeks to see and subsequent biopsy could run into the same challenges in scheduling. On top of that it would be a 1 week minimum turn around time for pathology reporting.). I got in on cancellations (and begging). The first oral surgeon said it must be biopsies and scheduled it. The second oral surgeon, whom I saw 5 days later, said it must be biopsied and wanted to do it immediately in the office (even though the MD was running 1.5 hrs late). The path report came back a week later positive for squamous cell carcinoma. It had been 6 weeks since noticing an issue with my ear.

Pursuit of an onco ENT surgeon took 2 – 3 weeks more to schedule…there were no cancelations. The first could only schedule surgery 3 weeks out and the second MD, although seeing him later, could schedule 12 days sooner than the first…so I went with him since skill level & experience was the same.

An added symptom to the above scenario was that I was steadily losing weight…a total of about 10 lbs…which were like my last 10 lbs I could NEVER lose. I was told it was stress. But had they asked me, I would have said I have always gained weight when stressed.

From noticing the lesion to having it out, it took 10 weeks…and that is earlier because I pushed. (Keep in mind my dentist was doing work in my mouth for two months before I noticed ear symptoms & while my sleep was disturbed 1-2xs / week).

IMHO, ENT cancers have a very small window of remaining early stage cancers. The treatment becomes more challenging in stage 2 and above. The treatments are difficult to deal with as it involves taking lymph nodes in a narrow area of nerves & blood vessels. Accompanying surgery, many times, is radiation which affects, usually, swallowing and other oral functions for a prolonged time or permanently.
So if these cancers can be caught earlier and in stage 1, it is a lot easier to deal with (keep in mind my surgery recovery was VERY challenging and I am still dealing with some enunciation issues that, I am told, will remain noticeable when I begin to tire at the end of day. I had a 1.6 cm stage one lesion that came VERY close to becoming stage II. Because if the challenge to the patient of taking lymph nodes and possible disfigurement and if something does grow in the nodes it will be treated the same, high surveillance is being employed. Survival rates for stage 1-2 at 5 years is 80-60%. So anyone reading this can begin to understand how critical it is to be knowledgeable about symptoms in the head and neck area. Do not go anymore than two weeks with symptoms and be aware that even with MDs who should know better, ENT cancer symptoms are overlooked or not aggressively pursued to avoid lost time to diagnosis.

In hindsight I have noticed multiple dentists have not done proper oral cancer screenings. This is the doctor to most like find something that will be pursued. Oral health is very much connected to the health in the rest of the body. So PKEASE Google oral cancer screening in YouTube and be aware of what should be done at every checkup. It you din’t See a dentist (you should) then remind another doctor that you din’t and ask them to do it. Also, do as much as you can yourself, screening wise, as you will most likely find it yourself if you are well versed in health.

Lastly, there is no use in fearing this. It is something that, if there, will only get worse if delayed. Denial is only denies the person of early diagnosis.

By: Lisa Sun, 06 Oct 2019 14:20:51 +0000 I think I have throat cancer not just because I have all of the symptoms listed but also many test I’ve had has come back suspect. My dr at kaiser have dropped the ball and that’s the only insurance I currently can afford. I need a second opinion but can’t afford to pay out of pocket. Please help.. before this kills me

By: Shirley de Silva Wed, 11 Sep 2019 05:29:55 +0000 A scope inserted through my nostril showed a growth. I am 85 years old and a biospy was ruled out due to my bent neck. I was a smoker – quit 15 years back. I prefer to take a chance and carry on. Any comments?

By: M V RAO Wed, 24 Jul 2019 16:37:08 +0000 I have observed that in the last
3to4 months my voice has become somewhat husky and I am not getting the words out clearly.lf I speak long sentence s
my voice sort of trails off.I do not experience any pain or
difficulty in swallowing any home remedies or allopathic
treatment.I used to have a fairly
deep voice which I am not able to manage now.Pl.advise.

By: Martin Koch Mon, 22 Jul 2019 05:54:31 +0000 45 yrs old. I have sore throat for 2 weeks now not feeling sick. Can’t sleep. Voice starting be affected. Ears ringing but nothing new. No ear pain. Going make appt to doc. Tommrow no insurance. Wish me luck. I feel bad for everyone suffering with physical, and mental stress.

By: Jennifer underwood Tue, 16 Jul 2019 18:48:31 +0000 I am currently being treated for H pylori and Celia I am currently newly diagnosed and taking antibiotics for the H pylori, but as of 3 days ago my throat hurts so badd that I can barely eat. I do not want to jump and assume that I have throat cancer but I know it’s not strep because the antibiotics I am on treat strep, I am in so much pain and do not know what to do and fear calling my doctor because every time I go there is a new diagnosis. The back of my ears hurt and the base of my tongue all the way down to the beginning of my esophagus I keep finding myself holding my actual throat without even noticing because I am in so much pain.

By: Chandra Johnson-Greene Tue, 16 Jul 2019 15:23:34 +0000 In reply to Aelly.

Hello, unfortunately, we’re unable to provide specific medical advice, so it’s best to contact your doctor. Thanks for reaching out and feel better soon!

By: Aelly Tue, 16 Jul 2019 08:31:02 +0000 Question: I had pain in my throat now . Because few days before a fish spike stuck in my thorat. Can I take pain killer ? And is this thorat pain lead cancer?

By: Jo Lim Mon, 15 Jul 2019 16:09:34 +0000 I hv been having something stuck into my throat most of the times I swallow, especially tiny food eg lime seed, or a quarter of small tablet of pills.
