
Strep Throat Symptoms in Adults

Strep throat symptoms in adults usually mean a visit to a doctor is in order. The organism that causes strep throat symptoms in adults is highly contagious and can lead to a painful sinus infection as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says a person with strep … Read More

Bacterial Infection: Be Careful—It Can Become Deadly!

Bacteria are one-cell organisms that are everywhere. Literally. Most bacteria are harmless, and many are beneficial. We need “good” bacteria to digest our food and help arm our immune system. And “good” bacteria destroy “bad” bacteria that may ultimately cause a bacterial infection. A bacterial infection can be serious, especially … Read More

What Are Adenoids, and What Do They Do?

The adenoids are two fleshy bumps of tissue at the back of the throat, just above the tonsils. In fact, they are often referred to as nasopharyngeal tonsils. Buried deep within the soft palate (roof of the mouth), our adenoids—unlike our tonsils—are not directly visible. Along with the tonsils, adenoids … Read More

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