beta carotene

Savor the Sweet Potato

The Folklore. Sweet potato or yam? Most likely, it’s a sweet potato. The most common varieties of sweet potato in the U.S. have smooth orange or red skin, orange flesh, and a sweet flavor. Yams, which are rare in American grocery stores, have rough brown skin, starchy white flesh, and … Read More

Healthiest Vegetables to Eat? Start with These 6 Choices

We need to eat our vegetables, but information about how to prepare them can be conflicting. Cooking certain vegetables—winter squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, for example—can release more nutrients. Others, however, are better for us if they're eaten raw. It's the latter group we'll discuss here: six top veggies to … Read More

Healthy Eating Helps You Stay Sharp as You Age

Reduced blood flow to the brain, loss of gray matter, and buildup of sticky tangles and plaques of certain proteins can all lead to loss of cognitive ability. A large body of strong evidence supports the idea that physical activity and healthy eating can help keep your brain sharp by … Read More

Research Sheds Light on Vitamins For Eyesight

Thanks to the landmark Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS and AREDS2), we know that high-dose vitamins for eyesight supplements containing vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, zinc, and the antioxidant beta-carotene helped slow disease progression in people who were at risk for developing advanced age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. We also … Read More

What Are Superfoods?

You’ve probably heard the term, but exactly what are “superfoods”? Broadly speaking, they're foods considered to be especially beneficial for our health due to the nutrients and compounds they contain. Superfoods come in many forms, including protein from plant and animal sources, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. A quick word … Read More

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