
Side Effects of Statins and Dementia

Based on some early studies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning on statin drug labels that they may cause memory loss and confusion in some people. [1] This warning led to fears that statin drugs might increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which is the … Read More

Liver Pain: What It Could Mean

The liver doesn’t actually contain nerves, so the organ itself can’t feel pain. Even so, the sensation of liver pain can occur because the layer of tissue that surrounds the organ—it’s called Glisson’s Capsule—does contain nerves. Any diseases affecting the liver that increase its size can result in what feels … Read More

Pancreas Pain: What’s Behind It?

If you’ve been experiencing a nagging abdominal pain that seems to worsen after eating, it might not be a stomach upset—it might actually be pancreas pain. If pancreatitis is at the root of your pain, it can manifest acutely, or as a chronic illness. Acute pancreatitis is most likely due … Read More

Graves’ Disease: Do These Symptoms Sound Familiar?

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). And it's not particularly rare: It affects 1 in 200 Americans. If untreated, Graves’ disease can cause serious health issues within many of the body's systems—and it even can prove fatal. Graves' disease is up to eight times more … Read More

What Is Malaria? And Are You at Risk?

Carried by mosquitoes, malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there were 216 million cases of malaria, in 91 countries in 2016, up 5 million over 2015. Ninety percent of cases and 91 percent of deaths occured in Africa. To put it in perspective, … Read More

Pancreatic Cancer Causes: What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk

Patrick Swayze. Steve Jobs. Luciano Pavarotti. Michael Landon. They’re just a few of the public figures who have succumbed to pancreatic cancer. In the vast majority of people it touches—rich or poor, famous or anonymous—pancreatic cancer causes death. In fact, while mortality rates for many other cancers are declining, deaths … Read More

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