
Should You Use an Enema for Constipation?

Being constipated stinks—your bowel movements are dry, almost painful to pass, with little relief. Worse yet, you can manage to push something through only a couple of days a week. You feel bloated, fatigued, and just plain uncomfortable. It’s all you can think about. And, after a week or so, … Read More

5 Heart Disease Warning Signs to Watch Out For

There are many types of heart disease, but the most common in the United Sates is coronary artery disease (CAD) which is decreased blood flow to your heart. Heart attack, abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias), and heart failure are other common heart disease conditions. [1] Common heart disease warning signs for these … Read More

What to Do for a Back Spasm

Almost everyone gets back pain at some point. People may say they have a backache or back spasm, or that they threw their back out. These are all descriptions of acute low back pain, back pain that starts suddenly. A muscle spasm is another word for a muscle cramp. It … Read More

Energy Drinks May Pose a Dangerous Addiction Risk

It's not a promising trend: Between 34 and 51 percent of young adults are regularly using energy drinks, as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Although this topic rarely gets mentioned when medical researchers report on the dangers of energy drinks, consuming them daily—or using energy "shots" … Read More

How Much Exercise Is Too Much?

Participating in such formidable feats in the world’s fattest and most sedentary population is impressive. However, while getting super fit can make you into a human Ferrari, it is possible to worsen your health by over-training. Studies show over-training can deplete hormones, weaken your immune system, cause bone loss, increase … Read More

6 Tips to Help Conquer Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Symptoms

In an earlier post, we discussed the physiological effects on the body that can occur with long-term stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. To get you started on the road to recovery, we have six tips to conquer stress and anxiety. Tip #1: Evaluate your adrenal gland function. In reality, there may actually be a … Read More

5 Common Fatigue Causes: Understanding Why You’re So Tired

Fatigue is a common symptom in people with medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and even in people who are otherwise “healthy.” Yet despite how prevalent it is, medical researchers still do not completely understand what happens in the body to cause fatigue. They … Read More

The Role of Inflammation in Fatigue

As a doctor, I hear this question a lot. When a patient asks me, “Why am I tired all the time?” I think of inflammation. It may surprise you, as it does many of my patients, that you could have a problem with inflammation and not even know it, and … Read More

Do You Have Post-Viral Fatigue?

Are you caught in a vicious cycle of stress, fatigue, and infections? Most of the time we think of extreme fatigue as being the result of an infection; hence the term “post-viral fatigue.” And we can easily see how post-viral fatigue syndrome can result from chronic stress. Fatigue Can Cause … Read More

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