types of skin cancer

Melanoma Risk Factors, Treatment and Prevention

Melanoma is the deadliest of all types of skin cancer. Unfortunately, too many people delay treatment, even when they know they have a potentially life-threatening disease. The lifetime risk of getting melanoma, according to the American Cancer Society, is about one in 40 for Caucasians, one in 200 for Hispanics, … Read More

Sunburn: How Bad Is It for Your Health?

Guess what! I’m a bad mother (well, at least some of the time). The other day I was playing in a pool with my kids. We had finally escaped the winter to a place where the warm sun shone, and our goosebumps dissolved into a distant memory. We were having … Read More

UHN Blog: A Crusade Against Cancerous Moles

The mirror never lies, no matter how much I’d like it to. The mirror is a timepiece, with each new gray hair marking another minute, and each wrinkle above my brow representing another day behind me on my life’s continuum. I see less hair where I want it, and more … Read More

On the Lookout for Basal Cell Carcinoma Symptoms

If you’re going to invest hours in getting the perfect tan, or you work and play outdoors, spend a few minutes every now and then to check for basal cell carcinoma symptoms. You also should consider the potential damage the sun is doing to your skin and take precautions to … Read More

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