melanoma symptoms

How to Prevent Wrinkles

You may be wondering how to prevent wrinkles as you start noticing those first fine lines appear. But to some extent, wrinkles are unavoidable. As you get older, your body slows down its production of two proteins that play an important role when it comes to the appearance of your … Read More

UHN Blog: A Crusade Against Cancerous Moles

The mirror never lies, no matter how much I’d like it to. The mirror is a timepiece, with each new gray hair marking another minute, and each wrinkle above my brow representing another day behind me on my life’s continuum. I see less hair where I want it, and more … Read More

On the Lookout for Basal Cell Carcinoma Symptoms

If you’re going to invest hours in getting the perfect tan, or you work and play outdoors, spend a few minutes every now and then to check for basal cell carcinoma symptoms. You also should consider the potential damage the sun is doing to your skin and take precautions to … Read More

Don’t Turn Your Back on Melanoma Symptoms

If you’re conscientious about your health, you exercise, watch what you eat, and see your physician periodically for a physical exam. And you might have your doctor screen you for certain types of cancer. Still, you might be missing one critical screening, both at your doctor’s office and at home: … Read More

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