history of breast cancer

Menopause Isn’t for Sissies

The word “menopause” often is used inappropriately. A woman doesn’t “go through menopause.” She ends up in menopause. Menopause is the state a woman enters once she has gone 12 months without a period, at which point her ovaries are no longer producing the hormone estrogen. What she experiences leading … Read More

Respond Quickly to Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian cancer is devious and deceptive. As it first develops in a woman’s body, it may offer up no indication of its presence. Oftentimes, it doesn’t reveal itself until after it’s progressed, and when it does, many times its warning signs still go unrecognized. That’s because ovarian cancer symptoms tend … Read More

Screening for Breast Cancer: The Latest Expert Advice

Confused about how often to get a mammogram? Some newly updated guidelines may help. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women ages 50 to 74 undergo mammography screening every two years. The USPSTF notes that mammograms for women between the ages of 40 and 50 are effective, … Read More

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