foods to avoid

What to Know About Hiatal Hernias

Aging puts you at risk for more health issues, particularly if you're overweight or obese. One such issue that has become more common as the U.S. obesity rate increases is hiatal hernia pain. Estimates suggest that up to half of adults age 60 and older have this type of hernia. … Read More

Do You Have Heartburn? Try a GERD Elimination Diet

If you suffer from chronic heartburn, certain foods may be to blame. But the foods that trigger heartburn in one person can be different than the foods that cause heartburn symptoms in another person. So how do you figure out which foods to avoid with heartburn? You may want to try a short elimination … Read More

Foods That May Stop Diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a topic of choice at the dinner table. Nonetheless, it is a common condition that affects many people. An estimated 179 million acute cases occur each year, and 5 percent of the U.S. population suffers from chronic diarrhea. Diet may help control this condition, as we'll discuss … Read More

Foods To Help Manage Chronic Pain

When it comes to managing your chronic pain, take a close look at your lifestyle. Diet, weight, and inflammation (three modifiable factors) are to blame for much of our chronic discomfort. Certain foods (sugar, processed meat, fried foods, and refined carbs) increase inflammation. Being overweight can have the same effect … Read More

Hashimoto’s Diet: Manage Fatigue, Depression, Weight Gain

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.[1] You don’t need to have hypothyroidism as defined by the standard thyroid labs to suffer from Hashimoto’s symptoms: fatigue, depression, weight gain, and more.[2] Fortunately, you can treat your Hashimoto’s symptoms yourself with a Hashimoto’s diet. Hashimoto’s … Read More

Eating a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; however, many people start their day with nothing at all. A 2016 study published in Advances in Nutrition found that consuming breakfast helps boost memory during the morning hours. “The best breakfast is a balanced meal of protein, high-fiber carbs, and … Read More

Gastritis Relief: The Key Is to Treat the Root Cause

Coping with gastritis and its many symptoms is about as much fun as getting punched in the stomach. Your first instinct may be to reach for an antacid medication because that usually provides quick gastritis relief. But if you want to keep painful gastritis symptoms away for good, the key … Read More

Healthiest Vegetables to Eat? Start with These 6 Choices

We need to eat our vegetables, but information about how to prepare them can be conflicting. Cooking certain vegetables—winter squash, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, for example—can release more nutrients. Others, however, are better for us if they're eaten raw. It's the latter group we'll discuss here: six top veggies to … Read More

Is Pizza Healthy?

The nutritional value of some of your favorite foods—like french fries, soda, and chips, for example—puts them into the category of junk foods to avoid. They’re filled with too much fat, salt, and/or sugar to be part of a healthy diet. Other foods, however, can straddle the line. If your … Read More

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