Comments on: How Long Does Gout Last? University Health News partners with expert sources from some of America’s most respected medical schools, hospitals, and health centers. Tue, 19 Jan 2021 22:01:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lydia Mon, 21 Oct 2019 17:04:43 +0000 Try this (it worked for me):
1. Boil a generous quantity of rosemary sprigs in 2-3 liters of water;
2. One cup of Epsom Salt.
3. Place mixture into foot bath.
Keep your feet in this mixture as long as desired. The longer, the better. Alleviates the pain and helps in reducing/perhaps eliminating inflammation (may help in dissolving acid uric crystals). Tried myself. It worked.

By: Jim Moldovan Thu, 26 Sep 2019 21:06:40 +0000 I have had gout for maybe four years now (I’m 69). I gave-up alcohol and red meat several years back, and my uric-acid levels are OK. Last month I had a bad attack, which lasted several weeks. I was feeling better and decided to hobble to the pharmacy for a flu shot (that time of year), and the injection seems to have activated the attack. If anyone else has had such an experience, let me know …

By: Jonray Fri, 20 Sep 2019 04:57:55 +0000 I have also had gout for years. Started in my late 30’s. I would get a flare up 1 a year, last 5 days a week at most. Now I’m 49 and going through the worst flare up ever. It’s been 6 weeks and I have rug burns on my knees and elbows from crawling to the bathroom! I usually get the attack in my 2nd toe. Ball of my foot, arch, or ankle. This flare up attacked them all. my doctor put me on steroids and indomethacin. It’s helping a little. Six months ago I was put on diuretics to control my blood pressure. I just found out that the side effect of these diuretics is GOUT!!! Good thing this dr. Stopped that treatment. Maybe this flare up was made worst cause of the meds. Good luck all. I wouldn’t wish this disease on the Taliban!

By: David Hayward Sat, 20 Jul 2019 08:40:35 +0000 Hi all I’m 55 currently in my sixth week of a gout attack,
I’ve had it since my 30’s but this is the longest duration of an attack usually lasts a week then gone (for a few years) I’m not overweight 160lbs &6”1 I’m a runner so this has grounded me & very depressing I am currently trying to work out what I’m supposed to eat? So much conflicting information I’m “suffering” apple cider vinegar twice a day but to no affect as yet? My only sin is sugar which I’m trying to control off to see doctor again Monday

By: Howard E Hill Fri, 12 Jul 2019 23:16:03 +0000 There is a way………………..apitherapy. By allowing 2 bees to sting me in the big toe, I eliminated my most recent gout attack totally within 18 hours. First let me state I keep bees, and have long been exposed to stings. So anyone trying this must start very slowly to make sure they are not allergic to bee venom. Grab a bee with some tweezers, sting followed by quick removal, give it a rest, do it again. Once one is confident that they can bee take bee venom without a dangerous reaction, this can work.
In this case I caught 2 bees by the wings and placed them on the toe. Then I allowed the stingers to remain. In one hour the area was puffing up, in 2 hours the pain was pretty much gone, and in 4 hours I could walk on the foot with no pain. Next day it was almost as if the gout attack never happened. Today, 2 days later, foot is fine.
Yes, it hurt severely allowing the venom to enter the already swollen toe, for about 10 minutes; however, following that the pain was quickly reduced.
I urge anyone who has gout or arthritis to look into this. It is an old time remedy that is quite effective. It may sound crazy but, IMO, beats taking drugs and spending days disabled by a gout attack.

By: Frank Sulka Wed, 10 Jul 2019 20:27:32 +0000 I am 50 years old. Had my first bout of gout about 2 months ago. Classic left big toe. I woke up and honestly thought I broke my toe somehow while I slept. I read a ton of stuff online and didn’t go to a doctor. I purchased Black Cherry concentrate tablets from GNC and increased my water intake. It fortunately went away in a little less than a week and hasn’t come back into my toe. However, I woke up 3 days ago and my ankle hurt so bad (I did not injury it) I thought it was broken. I knew what the problem was right away. It is still hurting but is subsiding. I did have a lot of alcohol last weekend and I’m pretty sure that along with the meats I grilled over the 4th contributed to my problem. I guess in telling my story I am encouraging everyone to take a daily regiment of black cherry pills. I take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. At minimum I believe that this is contributing to the shortness of my episodes. Sort of like taking zinc shortens a cold. I’m not a doctor but we are in this together. If you aren’t taking black cherry pills please go get some. It just might help you with this horrible malady. -Frank

By: Irene eaton Tue, 09 Jul 2019 06:37:09 +0000 Glad to hear other folks experience of gout this is my first lm also on colchicine this is my fifth day can’t seem to get rid of the pain . I thought I was a healthy person just had an op it went well then I am hit with gout I don’t drink or smoke I thought I drank plenty water.

By: Lewis Tue, 02 Jul 2019 15:19:10 +0000 I’m sure various drugs work differently for various people but what works for me is a prescription of prednisone which begins to lower inflammation the same day if taken in the morning and on average I can resume normal life activity with minimal pain in a day or two. Over the counter pain meds or prescription colchicine is absolutely worthless when compared to prednisone.

By: Marzia Mon, 01 Jul 2019 19:44:46 +0000 In gout for couple of months. Agonising pain. My all dreams about exploring world after settling in life seems ruined. Couldn’t walk for long with painful left big toe and right heel for last 2 months. Though uric acid fall down to 3.1 from 6.8 in 3 weeks after taking Allopurinol 300 mg a day. Now my doctor reduced its dose to 100 mg a day. But pain is still there. It aggravate at night. Ideally with this uric acid now, it should nt. Even no alternate medicine helping to reduce the pain. Seems m lost in the valley of pain.

By: Dorothy Jenson Mon, 01 Jul 2019 11:38:59 +0000 My first gout flare up. Left big toe. In my 8 th day today. Taking my last steroids today and also have stage three kidney disease. I can’t take NASIDS although the first three days of this I had to. I worry about making my kidney disease worse with the medications. This is very painful but going to change my diet. I am 66 yr old female and over weight. Doctor gave me tramadal for pain which helps. I’m glad I found this site.
