osteoporosis in men

How Do You Know If You Have a Hip Fracture?

The formula to determine the probability of a hip fracture is as simple as it is accurate: Age + weakened bones + a fall = hip fracture. And 75 percent of falls are experienced by women. Ninety-five percent of hip fractures are caused by falls (usually sideways, says the Centers … Read More

5 Low Testosterone Symptoms You Should Know About

Most men understand that erectile dysfunction is associated with low testosterone; but what they often miss are the other common low testosterone symptoms. Without adequate levels of this sex hormone, males are likely to experience fatigue, muscle loss, fat gain, depression, low libido, and even osteoporosis. A man in his … Read More

Osteoporosis in Men: What to Eat to Avoid a Broken Hip

Osteoporosis in men is much more common—and more deadly—than most people recognize. Twenty to thirty percent of the more than 340,000 Americans who suffer a broken hip each year are men. Male hip fracture patients are generally 2 to 4 years younger than female patients, less healthy, and more likely … Read More

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