
Osteoporosis: One Back Pain Cause

Osteoporosis is a condition of very low bone density that is commonly seen in women over the age of 50. It also can occur in men, typically after age 65. When bones lose density, either from having low bone mass or excessive bone loss, they become fragile and more likely … Read More

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Risks

It used to be fairly common for everyone in the family to drink a spoonful of cod liver oil daily. But what are cod liver oil benefits? And what are its risks? Nutrients in cod liver oil Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, including cod, is one of the major food sources … Read More

Flexibility Exercises: 3 Low-Impact Options

The best one-size-fits-all class for flexibility is an aerobic exercise group class. The ultimate goal is aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness, but instructors and their students have to go through warm-up and flexibility exercises before getting to the aerobic component. If you are a beginner or older adult not used to regular … Read More

Arthritis Exercises to Promote Healing, Range of Motion

The pain, stiffness, and restricted movement that accompany arthritis may seem like a good reason to curl up in bed, but exercise is beneficial in mild-to-moderate arthritis. Arthritis exercise benefits include: Healing. Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygenation within joint tissue, promoting repair. Lower risk of complications. Exercise helps protect … Read More

What is Homeopathy?

As a naturopathic physician, I use a variety of tools and strategies to help my patients. One of them—homeopathy—is widely misunderstood. Some people mistake homeopathy as just another word for natural medicine. Rather, it’s a specific technique that uses very small doses of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s … Read More

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