
Vestibular Migraine Diet

If you’ve ever suffered from headaches, you’re well aware how disruptive they can be. When they strike, they might inconvenience an hour, wipe out an entire day, or in cases of migraine, especially vestibular migraine, they can negatively impact quality of life. More than 17 percent of women and nearly … Read More

What Are Sulfites and Are They Bad for You?

Sulfites are commonly blamed as the culprit behind wine-drinking headaches. While that hasn’t been confirmed, sulfites can be the cause of some other serious problems. These food additives have long been used to preserve freshness and are ingredients in many foods, beverages, cosmetics, and medications. They also occur naturally in … Read More

The Link Between Arthritis and Diet

According to the World Health Organization, an unhealthy diet is one of the major risk factors for a range of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other conditions that are linked to obesity. While there is limited research on possible direct links between diet and arthritis, there is … Read More

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