risk for osteoporosis

Do You Have Heartburn? Try a GERD Elimination Diet

If you suffer from chronic heartburn, certain foods may be to blame. But the foods that trigger heartburn in one person can be different than the foods that cause heartburn symptoms in another person. So how do you figure out which foods to avoid with heartburn? You may want to try a short elimination … Read More

One of the Best Natural Heartburn Remedies: Betaine HCl

Acid-blocking proton pump inhibitor drugs (the little purple pills), antacids, and other heartburn medications work by reducing stomach acid levels. But sometimes heartburn and indigestion are not caused by high stomach acids levels at all. In fact, these unpleasant symptoms can be triggered by low stomach acid levels. Betaine HCl, … Read More

Should You Try the Alkaline Diet?

If you're looking for just the right diet plan for your health, you might consider the alkaline diet. It's based on the theory that some popular foods—including meat, dairy products, eggs, grains, and processed foods—cause your body to produce more acid. The aim of the alkaline diet is to avoid foods … Read More

What Is GERD? Dealing with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Your digestive system can experience a myriad of ill effects: stomachache, ulcer, bloated stomach, constipation. But what is GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease? If you have regular bouts of GERD symptoms, also known as "heartburn"—that sharp, burning sensation in the chest—do not necessarily dismiss them as something you ate. You … Read More

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