high fiber diet

What is Perimenopause?

You may have read about a condition called estrogen dominance. This theory, proposed in a book called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, said that the symptoms before menopause are caused by too much estrogen. That theory has not been supported by research, and estrogen dominance is … Read More

Diverticulitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

To understand diverticulitis, you need to understand diverticulosis, so let’s start there. Diverticulosis is a very common bowel condition. It usually occurs in the last part of your colon, called your sigmoid colon. A pouch of the inner lining of your colon pushes inward  through a weak area of the … Read More

Break the Diverticulitis Cycle

No one who has ever suffered from diverticulitis is lucky, but some people are able to get through the intense attack of lower abdominal pain relatively unscathed. The unlucky diverticulitis patients have a different story, one that can include complications, hospitalization, surgery, or chronic disease that will have an ongoing … Read More

Stone Fruits: 8 Healthy Reasons to Keep Them Stocked

What do cherries, apricots and mangoes have in common? Beside being delicious and healthy, all three are members of the stone fruit family. Stone fruits are part of the Prunus genus, which shares a similar characteristic—a very large and hard seed, or “stone.” They’re generally abundant during the months of May through … Read More

Get Relief from Hemorrhoids

Let’s be honest: Hemorrhoids are not an easy topic of conversation for most people. However, they’re very common. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, about 75 percent of us experience hemorrhoids sometime during our lives. If you have ever suffered the pain, itching, burning, … Read More

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