after menopause

What is Perimenopause?

You may have read about a condition called estrogen dominance. This theory, proposed in a book called What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, said that the symptoms before menopause are caused by too much estrogen. That theory has not been supported by research, and estrogen dominance is … Read More

Cholesterol Levels for Women May Increase After Menopause

As we age, our risk for certain diseases and medical conditions becomes higher. For women, menopause may be an independent risk factor for some of these conditions. Cardiovascular disease, in particular, accelerates in women after menopause. Women who experience menopause before the age of 45 are at an increased risk … Read More

Are You at Risk for Osteopenia? Symptoms May Not Tell the Story

Osteopenia isn’t as serious as osteoporosis—see our posts defining bone loss test scores of osteoporosis -2.5 or osteoporosis -3.0. But it’s also not easy to detect; there aren’t any obvious osteopenia symptoms. Certain factors, however, can make you vulnerable to osteopenia, meaning that it's important to preserve your bone density. … Read More

What Is Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s disease does not affect just the elderly—sometimes it can attack people in their 50s, 40s, and even 30s. And when it does, the effects can be devastating. So what is early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD)? Simply put, EOAD involves the onset of Alzheimer’s before the age of 65, when it … Read More

Could You Have Endometriosis?

About 176 million women worldwide (10 percent of women in the United States) are believed to suffer from endometriosis, which typically strikes during a woman’s reproductive years. But despite the fact endometriosis can cause severe physical pain, depression, and infertility, statistics on endometriosis from the National Institutes of Health suggest … Read More

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