lower your triglycerides

5 Surprising Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Are you tired of being told to eat oats, nuts, soy, and plant sterols to lower your cholesterol? There have to be other cholesterol-lowering foods, right? The good news is that there are actually many more foods that lower cholesterol. Researchers tend to get fixated, understandably, on those with the … Read More

Guilt-Free Grains on a High Triglyceride Diet

Many people trying to reduce triglyceride levels through diet have heard that they need to eat low-carb, which means greatly reducing or even eliminating grains altogether. There’s no doubt that this approach works.[1] However, research clearly shows that an effective high triglyceride diet can be high in carbohydrates, as long … Read More

What’s Considered a “Normal” Triglyceride Level?

Coursing through your bloodstream right now are compounds called lipids, which are fats, oils, hormones, and cholesterol. Some are helpful and necessary. Others aren’t. While HDL and LDL cholesterol get most of the attention when it comes to your lipid profile and how it relates to your risk of heart … Read More

How to Lower Your Triglycerides with an Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplement

Keeping triglycerides in the healthy range is an important part of preventing heart disease. The best way to lower triglycerides is through a combination of diet, lifestyle strategies, and carefully chosen supplements. One supplement that you might find useful is alpha-lipoic acid. What is alpha-lipoic acid? Alpha-lipoic acid, also known … Read More

This High Triglycerides Diet Actually Lowers Triglycerides

Most people with high triglycerides are told to cut down on certain types of foods, like trans fats and added sugars. Rarely, however, do health care providers offer advice about which specific foods patients should enjoy more often. A new study might just change that. A high triglycerides diet that … Read More

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