fatty liver

Is Fructose Bad for You?

Sugar is not so sweet in the health and wellness world, now more than ever. Its bad reputation stems from research on added sugars, fructose in particular, in foods and beverages, linking it with chronic illness and disease, such as heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. But even so, … Read More

Side Effects of Statins and Dementia

Based on some early studies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning on statin drug labels that they may cause memory loss and confusion in some people. [1] This warning led to fears that statin drugs might increase the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which is the … Read More

What Triglycerides Range Is Most Likely to Cause Heart Disease?

Cholesterol may get the most attention, but a large body of evidence indicates that an unsafe triglycerides range is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In fact, recent studies show that high triglycerides are directly and significantly associated with cardiovascular death, cardiovascular “events” (any incidents that may cause … Read More

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is an operation that shortens the digestive tract to prevent your body from absorbing all the calories you consume. Weight loss is the most obvious result—but bariatric surgery can do more than help people shed pounds. In fact, in many cases, bariatric surgery can reverse obesity-related medical conditions, … Read More

Liver Pain: What It Could Mean

The liver doesn’t actually contain nerves, so the organ itself can’t feel pain. Even so, the sensation of liver pain can occur because the layer of tissue that surrounds the organ—it’s called Glisson’s Capsule—does contain nerves. Any diseases affecting the liver that increase its size can result in what feels … Read More

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic

Nearly one-third of Americans have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)—now the most common chronic disease of the liver.[1] Although rarely discussed in conventional medical offices and even less in the media, NAFLD is epidemic. This stealthy condition can go undetected for years—with deadly consequences. Once advanced, NAFLD cannot be reversed. … Read More

Liver Detox Tea as Part of Your DIY New Year’s Detox Cleanse

A New Year’s detox cleanse is the perfect way to improve your health, jump-start a weight loss program, or taper off chemicals such as: nicotine, caffeine, alcohol or over-the-counter medications. In part 1, you learned about the importance of the gastrointestinal tract in the body’s detoxification process and how to … Read More

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