
What is a Pulse Oximeter?

If you have been to a doctor’s office or hospital in the last 30 years, you probably have had a pulse oximeter put on your fingertip to measure your pulse and the amount of oxygen being carried by your red blood cells, called your oxygen saturation. Pulse has always been … Read More

Symptoms of Acid Reflux at Night

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), GERD can cause stomach juices to flow up into your esophagus all the way up to your throat. When this happens at night, you may wake up with the sensation of choking on your saliva, but you are really experiencing nighttime acid … Read More

Why Is My Blood Pressure Higher in the Morning?

If you monitor your blood pressure at home, you may notice that your pressure is usually higher in the early morning. This is normal because your blood pressure has a normal variation that follows your body’s biological clock, also called your circadian rhythm. Blood pressure is higher a few hours … Read More

What Is Hypersomnia?

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), hypersomnia is recurring and severe episodes of daytime sleepiness or prolonged sleeping at night. Daytime sleepiness may cause an irresistible lapse into daytime napping, sometimes without warning, called sleep attacks. After waking up from a nap or sleep attack, … Read More

Sleep Apnea Solutions Using CPAP Alternatives

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition that can increase your risk for a lot of other conditions that you really want to avoid. Complications from sleep apnea can include heart attack, dementia, glaucoma, diabetes, and even some types of cancer. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the best and … Read More

What to Know About Twitching While Sleeping

Have you ever been jerked out of sleep by a sudden twitch or uncontrolled muscle movement, or noticed jerks and twitches in your sleep partner? You are not alone, since these movements during sleep occur in up to 70 percent of people. They are commonly called sleep starts or hypnic … Read More

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